Most companies tend to focus essentially on productive and commercial activity and less on the results obtained therefrom. This often translates into failure to achieve its objectives and misunderstanding of the results through available data and even loss of information. This trend tends to be greater in small businesses such as catering, hairdressing, retail or workshops.
How, then, can you make your company's management more efficient?
A small business is still a business! Have a retail store? A restaurant or a small commercial establishment? Then you have a business to run!
In addition to the possibility of adopting numerous planning practices, for example, one of the most foolproof methods is the automation of administrative processes. This system allows you to send electronic notes to suppliers, proof of payment, among many other functions that will optimize your time, make employees more productive and, consequently, make the company much more competitive!
Among the most recognized Management and Invoicing Software, the Legend, a system with several modules suitable for Small and Medium Enterprises. Of the multiple functionalities it offers, the effectiveness in managing public service businesses stands out.
For the management of the company to be effective, it is necessary to use Management Control tools such as Sage, which allows for appropriate control in all areas of activity. The software has several versions, however, there are characteristics common to all.
Of the many functions that this system makes available, we highlight Invoicing Management, Logistics Process Management, Financial Management and greater flexibility in the management of processes.
What are the main advantages of using Sage?
- Time optimization
- Sales control, customer management, marketing, taxation, finance, human resources, among others
- Business management
- Higher productivity and business competitiveness
- Reduction of Operating Costs
- Facilitates the decision-making process
With SAGE it is also possible to establish a connection to the CRM, Online Store, create PDF supplier documents, connection to Mobile APP, campaigns and sales, notification of expired documents and much more!
Ready to take the leap?
Samsys specializes in the Implementation and maintenance of Sage software and can help you, right now, to increase your productivity and efficiency. Talk to us, without commitment, to support you in the transition to digital.
Already a Sage customer and feel that your management software can give you more than it currently does? See how we can help you: Breathe new life into your Sage – Samsys