Continuing as training plan that Samsys offers, we had the opportunity on May 4th to have a session with Alexandre Monteiro on Body Language.
It is an interesting topic but with the popularization of the series “love me“, as well as the somewhat excessive reading that some people do with their techniques, was also a little discredited.
Body language
There are some points that it is never too much to forget about this issue of interpreting what a person is feeling from their expressions.
Perhaps most important is that it is necessary to know the “baseline” of the person… maybe that grimace the person makes is just a tic and there's no more reading. In the same way, the fact that we identify something that the person is not verbalizing does not give us the right to confront him with this possible inconsistency, it may happen that this person is even in a process of self-knowledge and/or self-convince on that topic. .
Even so, this type of analysis is interesting and at the limit we could say that even if we want to leave the more specific topic of micro-expressions to specialists, the more macro analysis of these expressions is a very interesting technique for the different aspects of our life, whether professional , as technical, administrative or commercial, or simply for our family life.
If more than 60% or 70% of our communication is non-verbal, you can see the importance it has in the different relationships we have.
And on the business side, where many times we need to create rapport quickly with someone, it becomes important for us to know ourselves what kinds of behaviors will help us.
Although in some contexts this rapport creation can be connoted with some less sympathetic situations (which are normally purely immoral and therefore should not be used) in many situations they are absolutely fundamental.
For example, within the scope of software development, if I'm in a requirements definition meeting, and I'm talking to the main recipient of that software and I can't establish a good relationship of trust with him that will not only be reflected in a greater difficulty in the development process but usually in the quality itself end of the software.
In these situations, empathy is often more important than competence.
Like the Ricardo Peixe spoke about his FAST model (Fun, Action, Strategy and Team) where he groups people according to their dominant predisposition, Alexandre Monteiro also presented an approach to help us understand how we can more easily find a point of harmony with the person we are talking to.
He identified four traits, which are Feather, Admiration, Power, Intelligence. According to his approach, by identifying which characteristic our interlocutor identifies with the most, we can create a dialogue that promotes a greater connection between the parties.
The training with Alexandre Monteiro was very interesting and we had the feeling that we could have stayed a few more hours listening to him and clarifying some of the doubts that arose.
A confirmation of the excellent intervention he had already left on Customer Day 2017.