Leadsys - Lead Integration Application
Do you still manually launch leads from digital channels in your CRM?
Leads automatically in your CRM
- Do you spend a lot of time on a task that can be automated?
- Multiple leads that can go directly into your CRM?

Leads on the spreadsheet are a thing of the past
If you use a CRM that is installed on your server, this is an on-premise solution instead of a native web solution and every day you get several dozens or hundreds of leads via Facebook Lead Ads, or another platform, have you noticed that the integration in your CRM this information can be time consuming.

About Leadsys
Leadsys directly integrates leads from Facebook (Facebook Lead Ads) or another system, as they arrive, into your CRM.
As a result of this integration, the prospect is automatically created in your CRM, along with the corresponding interaction and, if desired, the lead is then assigned to a salesperson, according to the rules you want to define.
Case study
Integration of Leads Facebook Ads and WordPress Ninja Forms in PHC CRM.
A Samsys customer who works in the training area (face-to-face and online courses) told us that he had campaigns on Facebook and on his website, which generated several dozen leads per day.
Given the rate at which these leads came in, I was not always able to respond to them in the most timely manner.
Internally this client used PHC, with the CRM module, still in the on-premise version, that is, installed in your internal infrastructure.
The process, before the implementation of Leadsys, was to download the csv file with all the leads from Facebook daily. Work in Excel in order to remove any duplicates, group by criteria and create a unique version for each salesperson, who would then work on top of that Excel.
An exclusively manual process, which generated very little added value and implied, for those who did it, a daily occupation (even on weekends) insofar as the campaigns they operated generated a constant volume of leads that had to be worked on and that were fully automated with Leadsys.

with Leadsys
All the time that was consumed in this operation became available, to better monitor the sales force and thus ensure that the leads were correctly followed.
Leadsys is for you
- If you spend more than 30 minutes a day launching leads manually in your CRM, or manipulating Excel files and then sending them to your sales force.
- If your CRM doesn't have APIs that allow direct integration, or with tools like Zapier, with your lead generation platform.

Let's talk about how Leadsys can help your business?
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