Samsys develops customized solutions in Sage programming with the Sage API and Sage Extensibility in order to respond to the specifics of its customers.
Do you have the feeling that ERP Sage can give you more than what it presents?
Connection to CRM, Shop, Creating supplier documents via PDF, Mobile app link, Campaigns and Sales, Notification of Expired Documents , and more.
Samsys works in different areas that can help you:
Consulting and Training
Do you know all the features that your Sage can give you?
systems engineering
The server or infrastructure you use may not be the most suitable. Samsys Cloud may be the solution for you.
Development of specific solutions with Sage Extensibility or Sage API.
Learn how to Power Up Sage
One of the usual challenges is to integrate the information generated in the CRM with information that may already exist in Sage. For example, providing a customer's sales or pending information in the CRM or even creating in Sage customers that were created first in the CRM.
Samsys has carried out several CRM integration projects for various companies. Whatever the case, talk to us!
We currently integrate different components (articles, images, families, customers, orders) between Sage 50c and Sage 100C and WooCommerce, Shopify and Magento v2.
For other integrations, check out our Zapsys product.
If we do not post the purchase order, we cannot convert it into an invoice and, consequently, it will not be possible to automatically integrate the accounting. In other words, everything depends on the insertion of data, a process that takes some time.
We have developed a system that reads all items in PDF, creates the purchase order for the supplier and adds all specified items to it. Previously, this process took almost an hour and now it takes 1 minute!
Sage already allows this procedure, but we know that if the data insertion process is done manually, it can become very time consuming, due to the associated errors, as it is an impractical process.
Transform the CSV file with references, batches and expiration dates into Sage information.
Our team develops solutions that allow you to transform your CVS file with references, batches and expiration dates into Sage information.
Want to know how?
Ready for
optimize your business?
This need exists, not only to enhance customer loyalty, but also to achieve a finer management of the points that are actually used, so as not to penalize the company's profitability.
We develop mobile applications with Sage integration, to visualize the available points of other features.
In addition to the fact that there may be other campaigns in force, the value of VAT varies depending on the product and the information on the receipt does not appear as detailed as we would like.
The solution we developed takes into account all these scenarios and can be customized for you!
However, to send an Email or SMS autonomously is no longer so simple. Cash flow is important for all companies. The faster we can receive invoices that have already been issued 20 or 30 days ago, the better!
The implementation that we provide allows you to send your customers an expired document, an informative reminder of that document and even an extract of other open files. It is still possible to make this submission whenever necessary.
Meet Vencsys - Notifier of expired documents;
Your Sage at the speed of light
There are several reasons that could justify this issue and the solutions may vary. One of them can be our Samsys Cloud service, which allows you to host your Sage on a private cloud infrastructure.
You don't need to invest in a new server, you can do it in a cloud solution.
Change Management Software?
• Data migrations that are always complicated;
• New training of its employees to use the new software;
• Possibly a new infrastructure;
• And only at the end of this process, get the new features that you were missing in your Sage. Our expert Sage development team may have the functionality you are looking for.
Shall we talk?