Tired of manually submitting Saft? The eSaft App solves it!

December 11, 2017

Tired of manually submitting Saft? The eSaft App solves it!

Did you know that we develop Apps that do the most bureaucratic work for you? Today we present to you the to App eSaft, in which just press a button to automate the upload of Saft (Standard Audit File for Tax purposes)

Try this App for 3 months and surrender to the speed and simplification of the process.

Creation of the eSaft App

Aware of the difficulties faced by company administrators in making the most of the time involved in the processes required to comply with the law, we focused on creating a solution that allows reduce time to perform repetitive tasks, such as sending Saft to Finance.

A eSaft app  consists of a solution shipping management (in batch) multi-file monthly Gravy, on the website of the Tax Authority.

This App simplifies the task of manual submission, which is usually time consuming and repetitive, which can easily lead to errors or forgetfulness. Thus, thanks to this automated process, the efficiency of administrative work is increased.

eSaft app


O eSaft aims to simplify the management, validation and sending of Saft files to the Tax Authority.

The way to use the App is simple, since allows you to import files into the App itself, validating and sending documents to AT. Afterwards, you will automatically receive a detailed report, with information about the shipment and about each file.

Who is the eSaft App for?

This tool is particularly suitable for Accountants and for companies that have several branches. 


– Optimize the management of the organization and archiving of files Gravy;

– Avoid forgetting or failing to send files;

– Allow validating and checking values ​​before sending;

– Reduce, by more than 80%, the time required to submit files, avoiding the need to use the Portal;

– Create shipping reports, with values ​​and other relevant information.


– Import Saft files in the respective applications of the various entities;

- Manage logins from AT, so it is necessary to create the account only once, with the data stored for the following month;

– Manage the number of monthly files per account, thus avoiding forgetting;

– Send notices by email, indicating in each account which files are missing;

– Process multiple files sequentially;

– Validate the files, extracting the number of documents, credits and debits from the response, thus allowing the verification of values, before sending;

– Submit the Saft files to AT, indicating the date and time of dispatch, as well as the ID assigned by AT;

– Organize the folders with the files by account, month and year, containing the submission file, summary and validation and submission answers.


Try the eSaft App for free for 3 months. 

Just fill in the form below, with this indication. Or if you just want more information, please contact us using the same form.


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Tired of manually submitting Saft? The eSaft App solves it!

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