E-commerce (online commerce) is the digital business trend that allows the buying and selling goods and/or services over the internet without any barriers of time or distance.
In a highly competitive market, it is clear that Companies grow when they differentiate themselves from the competition.
Online shopping grew by 6% since the 1st case of Covid-19, according to SIBS data and continue to fire exponentially.
Companies that are getting take the boat to a good port, given the situation we are going through, are those that were already present in digital with their products, with a defined e-commerce and sold directly online.
For some businesses, the prospects for the future are still positive, however for many others they are negative, as if they do not adopt measures now they may not survive.

Benefits of E-commerce for your business
Sell Anytime, Anytime, Anywhere
Availability is the key factor in e-commerce. The online store is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which allows consumers to obtain information about products and make purchases at any time.
In addition, it manages to have greater sales opportunities and reach customers in several countries.
Maximum detail in product information
In a physical store, given the vast number of existing products, the amount of information that employees can provide about each product is limited. However, in e-commerce the scenario is different, it is possible to create a product portfolio with the information and details of them, in order to describe each product.
Thus, the more information about a particular product you can give to the consumer, the greater the chances of purchase.
Payment methods
Using e-commerce, you can use various payment options according to consumer preferences, such as bank transfer, MB Way, cards, paypal, among others, which allows you to increase your sales chances.
Gain and win new customers and greater visibility
It is possible to define strategies to optimize your e-commerce and place it in the first results of search engines pages, with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques.
Integration with other channels
Through the integration of social networks on your website, it is possible for consumers to learn more about your business and identify with your brand through its communication strategy and the values it conveys. Thus, with the help of some plugins, it is possible to integrate social networks into your online store and increase your brand's reputation on digital channels.
Possibility to track results and monitor consumers
On e-commerce platforms it is possible to monitor and analyze the performance of your business through the analysis of metrics such as website traffic, rate of return, billing value and analysis of data and information about the profile of consumers based on in their behavior when browsing your site such as their preferences, the most sought after products, the “peak” hours that allow you to optimize your campaigns and your communication strategy.
Online shopping is skyrocketing and your competitors are able to keep up the business and sell. Why isn't your company there too?
Awaken now to digital! There's still time to take the leap!
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