2017: Year in Review

December 26, 2017

2017: Year in Review

2017: The year in which Portugal won the Eurovision Song Contest. A melody that the ear found strange but that the heart devoured. Unusual, unusual and improper use of funds in the Social Raríssimas institution. A year in which a judge sentenced 12 out of 14 defendants in the BPN case with the words “The biggest scam in the history of Portuguese justice”. The most painful year in terms of fires. Passos Coelho leaves the PSD and Portugal comes out of the trash. But mainly, a year in which Multiusos de Gondomar received a whole day of sharing motivation and leadership in the largest free national event of Personal and Professional Development – ​​The DDC 2017.

2017: Year in Review

We received 2018 already working for 2019, because we don't believe in the famous New year's Resolutions. Do you know that only 9% of resolutions that we propose to execute at the beginning of the year are performed?

Why 2018 with a look at 2019? Before writing the first chapter of Harry Potter, JK Rowling planned 7 years of Hogwarts. The plan and execute mentality has allowed the books to be among the most read in the world.

“Don't just plant a tree, plant an orchard.”

Having a long-term goal is crucial to writing a bigger and better story. We know that the world is changing radically and how unpredictable it is. But the best way to predict the future is to create it.

So think ahead. Don't look at the coming year in isolation. Between December 31st and January 1st is one second. An obvious continuation of 2017… and what year was this our.

Here's a little summary of what we're up to this year.

2017: Year in Review

⬟  January
⬟  February
⬟  March
⬟  April

⬟  May
⬟  June
⬟  July
⬟  August

⬟  September
⬟  October
⬟  November
⬟  December



Sage webinar
Webinar – We kicked off January with a webinar on the new changes for Sage accountants.


Demonstration – In February, we held the PHC CS WEB demonstration, where 35 people listened to Sílvia Sousa explain the process of creating a Web store.


9th Gathering Samsys – “If you want a good gourd, sow it in March”. They have been in existence since 2012 and in March we held the 9th Tertúlia Samsys. Challenges in coordinating Sales Teams. This was the object of the 9th Tertúlia Samsys that took place on March 22, 2017. 90 participants exchanged different ideas with Paulo Ferreira and José Augusto Nunes Carneiro, the guest speakers.


2017: Year in Review
Ideas and Challenges – In the same month we went to Braga. Samuel Soares gave the opening lecture of the 9th Ideias e Desafios Congress on Motivation and Commercial Performance.


2017: Year in Review
PiGO – We put Albergaria aos Berros in the 4th edition of PiGO
2017: Year in Review
Partner Event – ​​We won together in another edition of Winning Together with our partner Microsoft Portugal.


2017: Year in Review
Linkedin training – In April training thousand. We received at our facilities in Porto Pedro Caramez, where he enlightened subscribers on how to monetize their online presence. An initiative with the Samsys Academy brand.


2017: Year in Review
CED – CED “in Movement” made its debut on April 4, at Multiusos de Gondomar, stage of the European City of Sport 2017 (CED). We were present at the event with João Paulo Rebelo, Secretary of State for Sport, and Marco Martins, Mayor of Gondomar.


2017: Year in Review
Partner Event – We are present at Humanize to Empathize. Free event by our partner Grenke, which was attended by Frederico Carvalho (Online Sales Consultant) and Diogo Faro (Comedian)


2017: Year in Review
Millenium Customer Applause 2017 – We managed to allocate space for another prize.


2017: Year in Review
Sage Summit Madrid – Now give me one, now give me another. Samsys was recognized at the Sage Summit Madrid as an official Sage partner operating in Portugal with the best level of customer satisfaction and quality of service.


2017: Year in Review
Tony Robbins – End April as we are used to – Nobody stops us even on fire. For 4 days we were at ExCel London – London's International Convention and Exhibition Center to attend the Unleash The Power Within event with Tony Robbins.
4 days to transform relationships, health, business, will to win and impulses to overcome any obstacle.


2017: Year in Review
CLICKSUMMIT  – A water of May and three of April are worth a thousand. Thinking of our partners and customers, Samsys in partnership with CLICKSUMMIT invited our customers, partners and friends to participate with a special discount, in the 2017 edition.


2017: Year in Review
team building: A buzzword or a necessity?”, was the theme of the content shared by Samuel Soares at Associação de Melhoramentos Pró-Outeiro.


2017: Year in Review
ExpoGondomar – Also in May, Samsys was present at ExpoGondomar. An initiative that brought together 203 companies inside and outside the Multiusos de Gondomar.


2017: Year in Review
Pitch Bootcamp – We were at the Pitch Bootcamp at FCUP, a two-day program that puts us in contact with university students and recent graduates to listen and help make their future happen.


2017: Year in Review
Webinar – We held another Webinar where we present an exclusive Samsys solution – the eSAF-T


2017: Year in Review
Partner Events – We nurture relationships with our partners. We follow the evolution of XEROX ConnectKey technology in the “Xerox Future of Work Global”


2017: Year in Review
DDC 2017 – The month of June was the stage for the largest free national Personal and Professional Development event in the country. Multiusos de Gondomar received the 6th edition of the DDC, an initiative of Academia Samsys. The event attracted more than 1200 people and brought together more than 800 companies that were present on the first day of the next 20 years Samsys. An entirely free initiative with special guests, meetings and nine hours of Networking.



2017: Year in Review
Special day – Not even the heat stopped us in June. We hold CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM DAY


2017: Year in Review
We welcome future Entrepreneurs at Samsys


2017: Year in Review
RISE – In July, Ruben Soares and Samuel Soares were in Hong Kong, China where they participated in the RISE Conference on behalf of Samsys. An initiative that fits in with our strategy of internationalization, market prospecting and analyzing how we can also help companies in these countries to grow.


2017: Year in Review
Employee's Day – To keep the team’s enthusiasm rising at high speed, the “Employee Day” celebrations began with a close game of futsal, followed by a karting match at Kartodromo Cabo Do Mundo, which was followed by a race for lunch relaxed atmosphere where enthusiasm, good mood and humor disputed the podium.


2017: Year in Review
Event – We are and We were Antivirus in another formation of Panda Portugal.


2017: Year in Review
Formation – It was on July 26th that the Samsys Academy broke another record. The “High Commercial Performance” training with Paulo de Vilhena has sold out. Samsys was forced to close registrations given the surprising turnout for the event. 52 Super Commercials filled the Samsys training room with good energy and commitment to the trainer's infallible tips.


2017: Year in Review
Monthly meeting – We always return where we were happy. Our monthly meeting in July took place at Multiusos de Gondomar, stage of DDC 2017.


Webinar – On August 9, Samsys Academy provided a free Webinar on Online Safety. The event made it possible to disseminate computer security techniques to 80 people.


B2RUN – We were present at B2Run. An incentive for companies to get together in a festive atmosphere in an environment that boosts partnerships, business and a lot of Team Building Samsys at B2Run.


Digital Security Conference – We were in training on solutions to recent legal problems and impositions in Digital Security and Data Protection.


Sage demo – On the 20th of September, we announced the Sage 100 C solution that can make your business faster, simpler and more flexible.


Event – We were present at the event promoted by Latourrette Consulting for the presentation of the Document Management solution.


JP.DI Summit 2017 – Casa da Cultura de Ílhavo, more than 600 participants and 60 business partners, including 50 of the world's leading technology brands.


expoval – We were present for 5 days in Ermesinde at Expoval. Stage of an elucidative synthesis of what best characterizes Valongo


Linkedin training Lisbon – Samsys received, at its facilities in Lisbon, the 2nd edition of the Linkedin training with Pedro Caramez


Monthly meeting - Another special meeting for our family. After analyzing the results of September, we went to live along the banks of the Douro River, with various types of challenges.


LED RETREAT - We spent 3 days together to discuss the main objectives and goals for the coming years.


Partner Event – Presence more than mandatory at the event of the GRENKE Renting, SA/Good Business “A World of Opportunities”.
The speaker at this event was Professor nadym Habib and presented some of the most innovative, creative, disruptive and remarkable ideas that change businesses and open the door to a world of opportunities. 
Partner Event – 25 years of Tech Data Portugal… is work. Congratulations on 25 years of successful and innovative relationships with the partners and customers of the IT Universe. 


Brian Tracy – A fantastic event organized by Alexandra Dias Trindade and that Samsys – Consultoria e Soluções Informáticas was pleased to support. Brian Tracy talked to us about several topics that are fundamental to the success of companies, sales plans, commercial processes and steps, ways to attract and improve relationships, principles of Marketing strategy, development of habits and goals, leadership, among others. 


10th Gathering Samsys – More than 60 participants left the late afternoon of the 18th free to participate in the 10th Tertúlia and debated with Pedro Rebelo and Isabel Lima – guest speakers, the Desafios da Hiring.


Brother – We were present at the 10th Brother Certified Partner Event.


SD event - We were present at the #8ENSD “Engage & Develop” where participants shared their experiences in the Management, Involvement and Development of their teams with those present.
Samuel Soares was one of the guest speakers and spoke to us about “How to involve people in organizations” on a panel full of energy and talent such as Jorge Dias, Founder of JD Communication, Paulo Moreira, CEO of EQ-Training and Sobreiro Duarte, CEO of Grupo SD. 


PHC EXEC – at ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, there was talk about the digital transformation in the business management process, an initiative of PHC Software, which Samsys could not miss!
PHC XL Webinar – Tiago Vilela – proved that PHC XL is a perfectly reliable ally in the accounting and financial management of companies. 
Expo IT DataBox – We were present at the 4th edition of EXPO TI Databox 2017 – linked to the future. A day of exhibition and conferences, with more than 40 IT manufacturers


WebSummit – We were not going to pass up the opportunity to create relationships and fine-tune partnerships and we were present at the Websummit.

GDPR Workshop brings together more than 100 people in Porto and Lisbon.


Portugal Exporter – We were present at the Lisbon Congress Centre, which hosted the 12th edition of Portugal Exportador, where solutions that promote exports were discussed. An event that was attended by the Minister of Economy, Caldeira Cabral and the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.  


IDC DIRECTIONS – we were present at the 20th edition of IDC Directions, the main event of ICT and Transformation Digital in Portugal, where we know the main guidelines on how national executives should lead the Digital Transformation (DX) strategy of their organizations. 


Monthly meeting -  tighten the strings and not tune the brakes for the rest of the year because we are Limitless. 


One of the 100 Best Companies to Work For – Today, we have a series of practices, some acquired this year, others earlier, that meet what we idealize as fundamental for “Have a healthy mind in a healthy body.


Trail Quinta das Arcas – we set out to conquer the trails of Sobrado. Samsys – Consultoria e Soluções Informáticas supported and participated in the Trail Quinta das Arcas. As we don't know how to live without each other, we went to spend a day with our nature and enjoy the time to practice sports. 


Sage Sessions –  we were present at first Sage Sessions in Portugal. A day when the past and the present came together to talk about the future. An event that had as Keynote Cristina Ferreira – TVI, Speakers: João Vasconcelos – Senior Advisor at Clearwater International, Daniel Reis – coordinator of the TMT area, Pedro Reis – BU Director at Microsoft.


Office 365 DemoDo you know the 8 basic tools for companies?


Workshop – Beautiful from the inside out”, this was the motto for today pampering the Samsys girls, in a Beauty Workshop, with dear Claudia Gomes


PHC HR Webinar – another initiative with the Samsys Academy stamp, this time aimed mainly at administrative processes of Human Resources – the PHC HR Webinar.


Sage for Accountants – This was one of the most complete events that we provided, free of charge, as we only addressed topics such as Sage For Accountants, with Sage specialist Paula Teixeira, the Apps developed by Samsys: eSaft, eDMR e Time Management, presented by Victor Dias and Vítor Rodrigues and the Bizdocs Portal, with Carlos Latourrette (Bizdocs).



Expect great things to happen, be happy even when they don't.

  1. Believe that you are in control of what happens to you;
  2. Believe in your abilities to MAKE IT HAPPEN;
  3. Take responsibility for your choices;
  4. Strongly believe that what you seek you will achieve.
So let's go?

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2017: Year in Review

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