2017: The year in which Portugal won the Eurovision Song Contest. A melody that the ear found strange but that the heart devoured. Unusual, unusual and improper use of funds in the Social Raríssimas institution. A year in which a judge sentenced 12 out of 14 defendants in the BPN case with the words “The biggest scam in the history of Portuguese justice”. The most painful year in terms of fires. Passos Coelho leaves the PSD and Portugal comes out of the trash. But mainly, a year in which Multiusos de Gondomar received a whole day of sharing motivation and leadership in the largest free national event of Personal and Professional Development – The DDC 2017.
We received 2018 already working for 2019, because we don't believe in the famous New year's Resolutions. Do you know that only 9% of resolutions that we propose to execute at the beginning of the year are performed?
Why 2018 with a look at 2019? Before writing the first chapter of Harry Potter, JK Rowling planned 7 years of Hogwarts. The plan and execute mentality has allowed the books to be among the most read in the world.
“Don't just plant a tree, plant an orchard.”
Having a long-term goal is crucial to writing a bigger and better story. We know that the world is changing radically and how unpredictable it is. But the best way to predict the future is to create it.
So think ahead. Don't look at the coming year in isolation. Between December 31st and January 1st is one second. An obvious continuation of 2017… and what year was this our.
Here's a little summary of what we're up to this year.
2017: Year in Review
⬟ January
⬟ February
⬟ March
⬟ April
⬟ September
⬟ October
⬟ November
⬟ December
4 days to transform relationships, health, business, will to win and impulses to overcome any obstacle.
The speaker at this event was Professor nadym Habib and presented some of the most innovative, creative, disruptive and remarkable ideas that change businesses and open the door to a world of opportunities.
Samuel Soares was one of the guest speakers and spoke to us about “How to involve people in organizations” on a panel full of energy and talent such as Jorge Dias, Founder of JD Communication, Paulo Moreira, CEO of EQ-Training and Sobreiro Duarte, CEO of Grupo SD.
Expect great things to happen, be happy even when they don't.
- Believe that you are in control of what happens to you;
- Believe in your abilities to MAKE IT HAPPEN;
- Take responsibility for your choices;
- Strongly believe that what you seek you will achieve.