Samuel Soares in Interview on the “AMA ConVida” Program

July 21, 2017

Samuel Soares in Interview on the “AMA ConVida” Program

At the end of May, Samuel Soares, Executive Director of Samsys, had a conversation with Liz Silva, Director of Business AMA, directly to the Newfoundland Radio, in Aveiro. It was an informal conversation, which led to the Konsulta'm“AMA Invites” very important and pertinent subjects above the table, from the framework of “what does Samsys do” and some of its practices.

Samuel Soares' participation in AMA Empresarial events has been taking place with some regularity, as in the last one, AMA Viseu, where he shared his vision on the concept of “Communication" and it's "Leadership“. It was in this context that the pretext of talking a little about the samsys case.

"AMA Invites" Program

“AMA Invites” Program


The interview on “AMA ConVida” began with Samuel's presentation, made by himself! Check out what the Company Director said about his own profile as a person and Entrepreneur.

AMA Invites: And who is Samuel?

Samuel: Samuel is, above all, a father, a husband, a businessman, a friend, a citizen, a Human Being who strives and whose purpose is to grow and improve every day. (…) I love discovering new things, meeting people, places, tasting new gastronomic dishes, wines, flavors and I am passionate about what I do.

AMA Invites: …which is already halfway to success and personal happiness, isn't it?

Samuel: Without a doubt. If we do something we don't love, everything gets harder. We have less strength, less ability to overcome the difficulties and problems that appear, because they appear (...), when there is a passion behind, in what you do, you reach the end of the day and say: “Okay, today didn't go as well. I want to. I will do better tomorrow”. And this (…) gives you strength, determination and vitality to overcome things.

"AMA Invites" Program


Samuel Soares explained how the company's area of ​​activity and what are the big 3 focus areas of work in which the team is specialized.

Samuel: The company I lead, I have the privilege of being the founding partner, is called Samsys – Consultoria e Soluções Informáticas. It is currently headquartered in Ermesinde, Valongo, but we also have offices in Lisbon.

We are a company that works in the area of ​​Information Technologies.

Our focus, our mission is to help national SMEs to grow, (…) to be more profitable, putting all our know-how, all the experience accumulated over 20 years of existence (…) for the benefit of our customers.

Our Practices

We follow up with companies, we do audits, process surveys, we understand what the company is in, its difficulties, what its pains are, what are the processes where companies can earn more, where they can faster, more efficiently, they can remove losses, stop having losses, reduce (human) error as much as possible, which takes away a lot of profitability for companies… and we do it using technologies. This is one of the strands.

systems engineering

We specialize in 3 major areas of focus, namely the area of systems engineering, which, for us, represents everything that is infrastructure, (…) referring to servers, networks, switching, VPN's, business continuity systems – also called “systems of backup” -, uninterruptible power supply systems, video surveillance systems and all software to explore the component hardware, expressing myself in a “macro” way.

Management consulting

Then the second area we specialize in is the area of Management consulting. Here we try to understand all the functioning and dynamics of the client. How does it all work and how was it born? (…) This is where the customer's business model is perceived. And after understanding these processes, it is important to understand how we can improve them, (…) digitize them, (…) creating business rules in the systems, so that human error tends to zero… we got this flexibility. They allow us to help, so that human error is minimized.

See the solutions PHC e Legend

Communication and Development

The third major axis is the area of Communication e Development. For now, we still have everything in one department, but we can subdivide: the Development area does custom development, whether application development, development website, web apps, mobile apps, all dynamics and tailor-made development, be it a website, E-commerce, a portal, business to employee (B2E), business to business (B2B) or business to consumer (B2C) and the Communication component. In this component we range from content production, support and management of social networks, SSearching Engine Optimizationn (SEO), tools for email marketing, video marketing...

“Turnkey” Services

The fact that, more and more, Samsys guarantees more and more services, made it become self-sufficient and the tendency to go reducing the number of external companies which are used to guarantee certain services.

AMA ConVida: Basically, it's “turnkey” for the customer, isn't it?

Samuel: That's right. One of the concerns we have had since the company was born was to bring the maximum value to our partner (…). So we grew up (…) as the challenges were thrown at us, we were developing skills and, at the moment, we are a team made up of 46 people. 

The elements of this team have specializations in their areas. All elements specialize. We are recognized in the market for our specialization and for the good performance we have been doing. For example, in the area of ​​Systems Engineering we have partners gold Microsoft, we are partnersilver HP, we are Mitel bronze partners, we are partners gold Storage Craft, we are partners platinium Panda Security…but we have more partnerships, with Dell, Cisco, with other manufacturers…

Market credibility

Samsys bets on formation constant and continuous development of its team, for the personal and professional development of each element.

AMA ConVida: Which basically shows the strength of the company itself and the credibility it has in the market…

Samuel: Yes correct. Our focus is to invest, with each passing year, more value in the training of our team and in the certifications obtained. It is precisely to get the message across to the market that we are not amateurs. We are not a team that “knows how to do some things…”, that “knows how to manage some things…” or that “even has a way…”. We deliver value…and invest hugely. (…) And in addition to all the training of the technical component, we invest in other components in the area of soft skills, from the behavioral area, from the area of ​​attitudes. We also invest there.

Team work

Samuel: (…) This did not happen by chance. It's a team that works hard, works hard. Even with its imperfections, even with all the constraints that technology, the market, the work overload sometimes cause… When something doesn't go well, we're here to face it, to solve it and to find a solution.

Humility and Transparency

Samuel: Sometimes we lose money, other times the business stops being good and becomes a bad business, because something went wrong… Because it took more hours, more technology, more resources… and what was supposed to be a good business, which it would be interesting and provide profitability…it is no longer. But, for us, it is more important to fulfill our mission, our word, (…) than if we earn 5 more, 10 more or 20 more… This is our culture.


The interview on “AMA ConVida” closed with an appeal to join the Samsys Customer Day 2017, which took place on the 27th of June.

There are already open registration for the DDC 2018. Will you miss this opportunity to develop your professional and personal skills, free of charge?!

Watch the “AMA Invites” Program in full:


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Samuel Soares in Interview on the “AMA ConVida” Program

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